Rocket-man was the first animation I directed in my third year at college, it was a point in my life where it was confirmed to me, that this is what I’m meant to do in life. I’m not really one that’s very good with words really, but that’s the only way I can describe it, it was like what they call, a single moment of clarity.
The photo cannot be seen without this bit of text, so definitely a case for the text accompanying the photo, being essential here, the two cannot exist on their own.
Now you may think, well why?...why photo this?...and well I may or may not be able to really cover it properly...for a stranger to look at this photo it would mean nothing?...well it might not actually, it shows dust build up on a book and desk. As humans we’re fighting a constant war on dust build up, but I tend to forget about time, the hours each day go by so extremely fast that I just simply don’t dust very often in certain areas of the room. But you then look at it and think “shit me look at that!, a lot of time has gone by hasn’t it?” the dust is another way of measuring time.
But yes, it’s a bit of a selfish photo I think also. It reminds me of college, and well, I really enjoyed college at times. I loved the pressure of the assignments and the people, and like I say its where I really focused in on being a filmmaker. So that in itself, to me, is a moment that’s like the beginning of something. So I spose this book is the birth of it all.