Everybody has a story of when and how they were first introduced or stumbled across the British science fiction television show Doctor Who...
....of course, memory is a odd thing....it's organic...and for me it’s a tad fuzzy...but, in among the fuzziness there are also very clear memories that jump out...for example one of the very first memories was in the late 80's or early 90s....I found myself in front of The Sea Devils....I was young and I remember really clearly certain things about it...like Roger Delgado's face and onscreen presence...
...and equally to this, John Pertwee's face and onscreen presence...they were both capable of being smiley and friendly looking and then switching to serious and intimidating...they were strange if you were a kid to watch.......but there was this sort of cheekyness to them too....I remember being captivated by both of them....they had strong eyes....I also remember loving the cliffhangers for Sea Devils...and having to wait a whole week to see the next part....that is how it was being broadcast even though they were repeats.
That whole thing of cliffhangers is gone from modern Who and I feel it was part of what made Doctor Who.....but anyway!