Wednesday, 3 March 2010


I’ve taken down the previous entry because I’ll soon have a better clip to put up instead. As per usual with all of my projects they soon get really heavy...a massive wieght on your shoulders that eventually gets too much.


wayfarer said...

I hope you do keep going with it Michael :O)

Anonymous said...

I found your blog about a week ago and after looking at some posts it does seem that all your projects become chores, so perhaps there is something about your process that you could evaluate and change, to make it easier?

Michael J. Dowswell said...

The problem is that one person isn’t meant to make a animation...this isn’t to say that people don’t do it…I known of multiple cases man took five years, another man took eight years...and I’ve read about one really famous Russian man taking twenty years to do it. This very much enters into the arena of patience, tolerance and persistence if the person wants to keep working away on their’s a terribly slow process. The thing is that making films with top equipment and proper support has always cost a lot of money...I work completely on my own and with no budget at all.