So it was time for a coffee, made with milk in the sauce pan, I’d not had one of these in a long time, and now getting the hang of it a lot better than previous times, because I now know to put in extra amount of coffee (it’s instant coffee, but heck the results are actually really good) in there.
I wander around the house looking out of the various windows at the flood.
I wander outside...
I see my dad waxing the car...yes, waxing the car. He tells me that its good to do this once in a while, maybe twice a decade. He had also washed the car and water had run down the hill and round the corner of the house. Round there, there’s sand bags that seem to have burst open, there’s this small mound of sand. The rain has created some beautiful almost alien landscapes in the sand.
I decide to walk closer to the flood. Its really pretty spectacular. I think that you have to have a photo here of how it looks
Coffee cup
I put down the coffee cup, because I was not going to take that with me. I put it at the base of a tree. Now that looked odd seeing it favourite cup and all, which normally never goes outside. But furthermore here I think its because I don’t go outside much either.
NOTE: ok, this photo below is a re-enactment of what happened, I’m not awfully happy about the photo, I think it could be much’s the same tree I put it next to though, and the coffee cup had not been washed, so what we’re getting here is sort of authentic... : O )
Climbing the barbed wire fence
Really quite tricky this, the best place to do it is at a bit with some padding round the barb wire, there also this log on the other side, but it was all wet and slippery as hell. As I’m doing it I’m thinking “what the f**k am I doing here, this is really dangerous” but, I think with the weight distribution across my foot this was going to be OK, and *was* OK.
I wander across field and down to where its flooded, to note I’m wearing my shoes that aren’t so good for walking in whilst doing all of this, but, I seem to have a problem with my feet at the moment as I’m always tripping up...these shoes definitely make things worse though I think. The ground s a bit uneven and the grass is very long and wet. You have to go down a steep hill to where it can only be described as one big bog...its like lord of the rings with the dead people in the water (always liked that part).
NOTE: photo will be uploaded when the camera is recharged.
Down there on what is the outskirts of where I live is really quite interesting because there’s new houses being built in the flood plain...they raise up at the end of what is a very flat bit of land...its well, a flood plain, but yeah I love how bogs look, I love that grass that sticks up. There’s a very surreal quality though when walking about down there.
The return journey home I see five pheasants, beautiful creatures they are, I love the way they run, one of them ran quite close past me... because when climbing back up the hill i was hidden by they didn't spot me...usually they fly off, but these ones seemed calmer than normal.
I climb fence again and see the coffee cup sitting there, I pick it up and then walk back up to the house and round by the sand to see my dads not there anymore...its eerily quiet.
Now various different people (and a ongoing stream of people throughout my life)...who...perhaps don’t know me very well have often commented and said to me “are you on drugs?” ...well I can assure you I’m not on any drugs and never have been...all I can say is this... I’ve felt...well I’ve taken long to obtain the word for this, but I eventually found it, I feel that I have a hyperawareness thing going on. Now, I think this is brought out of me perhaps by myself not going outside very often...or maybe it was just special because of the flooding, a bit like when it snows perhaps. I’ve always found water to be fascinating stuff mind you.
I’m always reminded of what Steven Spielberg said about 2001...he said something along the lines of this... “no, no you don’t have to be on drugs to watch this, the movie IS the drug.” now, I feel exactly like that when walking around outside sometimes.
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