Monday, 9 February 2009


I saw a really good documentary a while back. What I came away with, the information I came away with from seeing it was that, and this is in the simplest of forms here...are, that, there seems to be about five groups of people.

1) People who love food, and therefore eat it a lot, they eat too much, they put on the weight.

2) People who are apathetic about food, they’re genuinely not fussed about food...don’t really eat much and don’t really put on weight.

3) People who live in a perpetual state of hunger...but are hell bent on not gaining weight...they don’t eat much and are thin.

4) People who love food and eat loads, and don’t put on weight because they dash around a lot during the day.

5) People who are on medication which is making them gain weight.

It is of course much more complicated than all of this, but I find it all quite interesting. I’m trying to lose a bit of weight at the moment, and one thing I’m finding is that if you just try to lessen the amount you eat at dinner time you body does start to get use to it...your stomach starts to remember.

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