Monday, 30 March 2009


Just listened to Episode 18 of Tom Racine’s Tall Tale Radio Podcast featuring Tom Dell’Aringa and Steve Ogden (which I highly recommend) (very interesting) Mr Ogden talks more about how studios could (and are now) looking at a graphic novels and saying “yeah we like this, this could make a great movie”

You see if you think about it, he’s absolutely correct...take something like Lost and’s a children's book that eventually got made into a film (loved that one) and now we’re seeing this Where the Wild Things Are has also been made into a big film and was also a childrens book I think.

It certainly gets the old brain thinking. I just would really like to do a story with dialogue in it.

Listening to these three talk was a real pleasure.

What’s odd is there was a stage in my life where I was heavily into comic book / novel type of things...the two big ones in my life were Tintin and Asterix (I read quite a lot of those and loved them to pieces) and I even did my own comic in about 1996 or 1997 (a guy who was into comics and was doing his own comic at art college somehow saw it and really liked it) (strange how these memories come back to you)

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