Ok, so why do I feel depressed?...well it’s just that whole thing to do with the earth shattering podcast that Steve Ogden did (the one about how one person shouldn’t take on an entire animation?...you know the one?)...the reason it’s earth shattering is because it's true, it's correct...you can't really channel it out because it’s the equitable truth...the painful truth...even though my situation is nothing like Steve Ogdens, it's still insane to take it all on yourself...but, there’s much more here to what he’s saying in that podcast that moves me into the next bit of this blog entry (that shatters things further)
1) Being true to yourself as a artist / story teller.
This is the big one that I’ve been battling with since 2003...there is NO WAY I am being true to myself when I make these animations. In fact if you really take the time to think about...I’ve steered quite far away from the important things what I should not have steered away from. Yes, what I’m talking about here is, story...dialogue...and what I myself want to see created by me.
2) I can draw...and yet, I’m not drawing. Now this to me seems REALLY wrong.
This to me seems like such a waste of my talent...I mean how many people can actually draw well?...and here I am, I have this talent, and am not using it. Recently I’ve been going through my old stuff (the stuff I did when I was much younger from the nineties...the early nineties to late nineties) (I drew a lot)...here, I’ll show you some of it.
3) If I can draw, then surely this means that I should be doing that, and that it will go a lot towards a much more accurate spitting out of my mind of my ideas into physical form of my ideas. perhaps?...I would be able to do human characters and dialogue.
Um... Mike, I disagree with Mr Ogden, and think your project has merit because it is a colo project. From what I have seen here on the blog, even if it was compiled as a string of non-sequiturs, it would leave an impression on me were I to see it at a festival, or as part of a compilation. The style, color, and music you choose is moving! Dude, don't give up on this. Put it aside for a bit if you have to, but don't give up. I love these little oval waddling things!
"colo"? I meant SOLO. As done by one.
Paul!...I’m sorry you have to endure my whinging!...lol. I think that realistically when I look at it...I do believe that Mr Ogden has two hours a day to do his own projects, and a wife and kids….whereas I have eighteen hours a day and am single. And so that’s quite a difference there and then.
I have to say that I am very torn and conflicted at this moment in time. But I do have a massive, staggeringly huge love for moving images...moving the camera around and finding those shots to then place into a edited sequence excites the hell out of me, and will never stop exciting me (been doing this now for nine years)
I also think that projects with no budget and that are solo have something very special about them that you cant find anywhere else...almost like you can see the struggle on the screen (if the person is really bad at animation like I am) but you can see that they battled to the end anyway, you can see the fatigue that they endured to get it done.
Where I go from here I still don’t know, but your right, I do have to complete this one...I hope I do (so many of my projects don’t make it to the end though)
Thank you for the kind words and support (some of this music is very expensive to use though, and so I’ve never actually gone into a festival before)...I just wish I could have something that I felt I could spend that money on...but when your told that it's going to be over three thousand pounds to use the tracks you want...you start to feel that your animation is just simply not worth that kind of money.
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