It seems that there’s three things that torture a artist (or at least a artist like me)
1) What to do with your damned web site.
2) Not being happy with any of the work you’ve done because you know its not good enough.
3) Not where you want to be
1) The web site one seems to be this reoccurring thing that surfaces from time to think to yourself “ web site is dull, and it has about a thousand html pages on it...surely that’s not good???”
2) The work never seems to go how you think or want it to go...sometimes your happy for a little while...but it always resurfaces in your mind that you strayed from the strayed and have gone off in a different direction from what you were initially trying to do.
3) You look around at what’s going on elsewhere and it hits you.
So where do you go with all of this? You come up with a new list to combat the old list.
1) the web site really isn’t all that important, it’s the WORK BEING DISPLAYED on the web site, that’s the most important thing!...However, I do think its best to keep things simple, and I feel I’ve got too many Html may be the answer to reduce it down to THREE html pages, or even one.
2) Shut up…you gonna whinge all you life?...nobody likes a whinger Dowswell!...what you gonna do about that? either accept what’s been done and try and put some sort of positive-ness on it...or go crazy. Find a way to do what your after via new techniques and experimentation. And [erhaps you are simply somebody who just wont be happy with anything...perhaps its just not possible...perhaps you have to come to terms with that...and accept it.
3) Cant help you on that one...but try to understand that your making life tough on;ve always like it tough though, haven't you?
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