Monday, 27 July 2009


I thought I could contain an entire story in the space of the chosen piece of music “Pie Jesu” from Faure...but I just couldn’t quite manage it...I’ve always found it hard to do that...I think every story teller is different and for me there is a ongoing fight against’s a internal battle in my mind...the hovering man dressed in red above my left shoulder is telling me to do the speeded up story approach...and on the right dressed in white is another hovering man...he’s, that’s not you.

I believe anyway that there is no particular plan on these things...and you just uncannily weave the shots together...when it comes to the edit you just have to fit the shots round the music...and if the music runs out at four minutes...then well, the music runs out at four minutes.

What I have here now though…is a film that just stops quite abruptly in a crop field. It’s a problem...and I’m not really happy about it. If I can expand it then I think I will...there is actually more scenes that were created but never made it into the first four minutes. There is a crio tube scene and of course the big yellow flagship that is in a war in space.

My health at the moment is pretty horrendous. I have what is called impacted wisdom teeth...which can flare up and cause an enormous amount of pain from time to I didn’t know this would happen or I would have stopped the dentist, but he did a filling which I think has triggered it all off again...the hot weather seems to be a part of the problem too.

I also have many problems with my head, a feeling that somebody is crushing my head...I’ve had this one for years though. The physiotherapist is really great at getting rid of that problem for an amount of time...but I’ve not been to see her in a while now. Will go there again when she gets back from her holiday.

I’m just amazed that I keep going with these animations REALLY IS a need to make these things...I need and want to make them...and that’s why they get done (be it very slowly)...

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