Thursday 1 February 2007

Unprecedented feelings of hurt

At the moment I’m not feeling good at all, I’ve got these blotches on my skin, mentally I feel extremely down, I’ve also had a stomach bug thing now for about 2 weeks. This is probably salmonella though I don’t know for sure. The blotches have to be Eczema as they are sandpapery.

It hurts when you step out onto new ground and attempt (and fail) to do what you hold as being one of the most important things to you at that point in your life, it hurts like hell. And also it stays with you to the also expand your knowledge on knowing who you are to the point of possibly knowing all there is to be known, which I personally think is a dangerous thing OR a extremely useful thing for the future. But I can tell you, it does not right now feel very useful at all.

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