Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Asking friends for advice

Why do I ask my friends opinion on important matters in life?...because I need to gather the minds of who I know to be wise and look at the problem from many different angles, I do not see this is a bad thing. I believe that EVERYBODY has something to bring to the table, fair enough, some people are lacking in first hand experience but I find it striking and continually amazing what people have to say, all people on this earth seem have this thing where they are extremely wise one minute then extremely stupid the next, its incredible. I believe everybody is a specialist at some topic, because everybody is living a different role in life.

We’re all continually developing, we’ll be developing when we’re 80 years old, and we’ll all have a different knowledge too. But it’ll be the people who take risks in life that’ll be the ones to get good advice from and have a interesting story to tell...though i still say everybody has somthing to say.

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