Tuesday, 18 November 2008



Ok well, I’m a sci-fi nut, and so had been really excited about this movie. Of course, its not intelligent to base some sort of final opinion on the film based on this very frantic, quickly edited trailer or any trailer for any film, but here’s some thoughts.


-Horizontal lens flare happening in a LOT of this, nearly every shot seems to have it. I absolutely love this kind of thing, it makes me think of films like Die Hard and Raider of the Lost Ark.

-This is one good looking and good feeling trailer. It's full on big budget pure (space ships / ray guns) feature length sci-fi.

-It looks like its gonna have a lot of humour in it I reckon. This to me is the most wonderful news, I love sci-fi that is well made but also funny.

-Loving what I'm seeing of Karl Urban's McCoy.


-When child Kirk jumps from the car he seems to get pulled back along the ground, this is totally ridiculous, why is he being pulled?...

-The bridge looks...well, far too much odd looking / crude white molded plastic for my liking there, I'm sorry.

-Why is the bridge got spot lights everywhere in it….ok, well I can tell you that one, its because you get really cool horizontal camera flares happening. But from a practical standpoint, everybody would get blinded by the lights I think.


Anonymous said...

My question is this: why do those two bridge officers to the left and right of the captain have swoopy thingies on their desks that look like red laser nipples? Go back and watch and you'll see what I mean.

Michael J. Dowswell said...

ha!...yes, yes they seem to be reminiscent of those crazy large joysticks for PCs in the 1990s.

To the side of chekov there's some big joystick things too...