There came a point in my life where I suddenly thought…”you know, various people you bump into when your young pour poison in your ear (probably not even aware of it and the damage its doing to the sensitive young obsessional artist) while your on your art college.”….there are various people who tell you that you shouldn’t be doing this and shouldn’t be doing that...example:
“you can’t draw horses like have drawn them wrong. You can’t draw a tree like‘ve drawn it wrong...”
These were teachers (who I don’t know how long they’ve taught at these art colleges), but you got the impression they had been there since the dawn of time (which is something I don’t think I fully agree with...I don’t think teaching for over twenty five years has done SOME of them any good) I’ve actually heard reports of young people who stop doing their art because some bastard lecturer has unwittingly said that “oh...your drawing that all wrong...”
These teachers have to be aware of the current mental condition of the student...and aware of the real outside world. They also should know a bit about psychology.
Information. The student (if very young) is going to acquire knowledge through experience...but I recommend studying a bit of psychology and remember the real world is completely different to the education world.
Perhaps I went to art college far to young...I was only sixteen when I started up...and had not had any interaction with any other people other than my parents for four years.
I’ve heard multiple times from fully grown adults that they cant / don’t have the right to do something until they have gone on a course and be taught the “proper” way to do it. Now don’t get me degree introduced me to Cinema 4D and I am internally grateful for that. But be careful what you let people tell you and how it effects you…there is a very clear line between the education world, and what actually goes on out in the real world.
You’ll notice that various people went ahead and drew a tree the way they wanted to draw a damn tree, and became very famous and made a living out of what they do.