Monday, 16 November 2009


I think that after one render of one of my shots...I must be insane. It tends to show up the mistakes more...and also you look at it and feel that its not quite detailed enough...arg!...dear god almighty!...

Its also rather large...946MB for 7 seconds!...but, this isn’t / might not be a problem at all...a Terrabyte is pretty cheap nowdays...or, failing that and it doesn't edit and dies on me...I could just throw the shots onto DVD's and wait. It's a game of patience and persistence...or possibly RAM...I possibly need more RAM.

So where does this leave me?...well, I’m still very much in the experimental stages of it all...I want to push to see what is possible really, its interesting seeing it all at this resolution. Maybe I’ll put the teaser trailer onto Youtube in 1080p and get some feedback from people...if nobody can actually get it to play smoothly on their computers or wont download it because its too big...then there’s a problem there I would think.


Anonymous said...

1080p seems a little extreme. I think on most monitors and computers the only difference between 720p and 1080p is larger file sizes and slower playback. That might be changing fairly quickly, but 1080p still sounds crazy.

You mentioned you've got your render times down, how have you managed that?

Michael J. Dowswell said...

Well first by using slow computers for 6 years I’ve always tried to find ways to speed things up by faking things...I basically have one bright spot light with a 2000x2000 shadow and one low spot light carefully shining down on the scene from above with a shadow of when I eventually came to buy my quad core processor...things rendered out pretty darn fast. Of course its not the same as fancy’s a sacrifice...but it doesn’t look too bad if you get it set up right.

This is a example of it I did a while ago